Layers of the Earth

Now that we know something about how we Live on Earth .... lets get inside the Planet!!!!

Layers of the Earth

To better understand the different layers of the Earth , I recommend you to watch this video:

Answer these questions about the video:

1. How many layers can we find inside the Earth ?

2. What is the Crust? What can we find on the Crust of the Earth?

3. How thick is it?

4. What is the Mantle? What is it made of?

5. How thick is the Mantle in total?

6. In which layer can we find “lava”?

7. What is lava? What is it made of?

8. What is the Inner core? What is it made of?

Time to make the layers of the Earth!


1.- 6 pieces of paper: blue, green, yellow, orange, red and black.( You can colour the papers with your own crayons)

2. Paper fasteners (or a tack)

3. Black marker 

4. Scissors 

5. Geometric compass 

First, use the compass to draw circles on the coloured paper in different sizes

For the green paper cut out shapes that resemble to  continents on the Earth. It does not have to be perfect!!!! We are really learning about the Layers!!

Next, take the blue circle and cut out one fourth of it so you have three fourths of it left intact. Glue the green continents onto your blue paper.

Then, lay the black circle down, place the red circle on top of that , then the orange and then the yellow. Make sure they are centred 

 Next, use the black marker to write: inner core (yellow part), outer core (orange part), mantle (Red)and crust(black) On the opposite part of the circles write the miles or kilometres of thickness of each layer .

Then, take the a paper fastener or tack, and poke it into the centre of the circles. Secure the fastener or tack at the back of the black circle.


Now you have the Earth and its layers!!

Do not forget to send me your works (and activities) to :

Deadline: June1st 

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