Different relationships in an ecosystem

Hello students!!

I have seen your ecosystems and I love them!! They are great!! Well done.

This time we are going to work on different relationships because I have checked that this is a difficult item for you.

In order to understand what it really is a relationship,  I recommend to watch this video:

REMEMBER: a symbiosis is a close relationship between two different kinds of organisms .

In an ecosystem everything depends on each other.

For example: what would happen if we did not have plants? (We have talked  a lot about it in class )

We couldn’t survive because we didn’t have food or oxygen. Could herbivores survive? And if all herbivores die .... could carnivores survive?

So we have an important relationship with plants. And carnivores have an important relationship with hervidores, etc.....

Another example: imagine you live in a big house with a big garden. You decide to have a big dog to protect your home from other people.

You Both have an important relationship  because you feed the dog and the dog protects you. You both benefit.

So.... Every organism depends on each other to survive in an ecosystem.

Some relationships are beneficial and some of them are  harmful. And  this is what I want you to investigate.

According to the video you have 4 main different relationships: MUTUALISM, COMMENSALISM, PARASITISM AND COMPETITION

1.-I would like yo to make a drawing as the boy does in the video, giving an example of each relationship.

 2.- Try and find an example of these  relationships (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism and competition) in YOUR ECOSYSTEM

Once you finish, take some photos and send them to me.

If you feel like and this is not compulsory , send me a video explaining your work as the boy does in the video, but.... with your examples!!! This is an individual presentation from home!


Deadline: May 15th

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