Natural disaster: volcano

They  are immense mountains that erupt with lava from very, veryvery deep under the earth’s crust. The most famous — and one of the most tragic — incidences of volcanic eruptions took in Pompeii in AD 79 (over 1900 years ago). One deadly volcanic eruption that oozed lava and covered the town in ash buried Pompeii under layers and layers of ash, only for it to be discovered centuries later!

Let’s find out more about volcanoes!

Time to do it!!
We are going to make a volcano:
- Plastic plate (or glass)
- Plastic cup (or a plastic bottle)
- Aluminium foil
- Tape
-Baking soda
- Red colouring food (optional but desirable)
First ,tape the bottom of the cup to the center of the plate. Cover with aluminium foil. Cut a hole in the center of the foil and push the edges down in the cup.

Spoon in some baking soda and colouring food.

Pour in the vinegar.

Watch it erupt.
Answer the questions:
Imagine: we are going on holidays to Tenerife and we are visiting Teide volcano. Suddenly..... we feel the floor shaking......
What can we do? 
Where do we go?
Do not forget to send me your videos and pictures to:
Deadline: June 19th
Good luck to everyone!!!

Natural disasters: tsunami


 They are destructive waves that gather to a great height before hitting and flooding coastal cities.

 They’re often formed when powerful underwater earthquakes cause a disruption in the ocean’s water. Let’s find out more!

I recommend you this video to better understand how a tsunami is formed:

Let’s see how a tsunami can be forceful enough to drag whole houses into the ocean when it recedes! This activity is all about creating a scaled-down tsunami that can fit on your table. Read on for more instructions!

Tsunami Activity

Our next activity was to recreate a tsunami. In a flat pan,
You have to built up a sandy beach (sand, corn flour) and built
little houses.

Then, add some  water and create an earthquake. You will see that
when the table is  given a good shake the tsunami hit
fill force.


. Tray
. Sand
. Water
. Toy houses (or toy trees or toy cars...)


Set the tray with the sand and toy houses on a table as in the picture

Add some water 

Shake it 
Answer the questions:

1.What has happened?

2. How can Seas and oceans move suddenly?

3. Imagine: You are on the beach and there is a tsunami coming. What can you do? Where can you go?

Do not forget to send me your videos and answers to:

Deadline: June 12th 

Good luck to everyone!!!

Natural disasters: Earthquakes!

We have already seen ecosystems and the different layers of the Earth, now we are going to deal with Natural disasters

What  are Natural Disasters?
There are many types of natural disasters, including avalanchedroughtearthquakefloodinghurricanetornado
tsunamivolcanic eruption, and wildfire
We’re going to look at some of the commonly occurring natural disasters in greater detail!

To better understand what an Earthquake is I recommend you to watch this video:


Simply, earthquakes are shaking or rolling of the earth's surface. It is usually what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another, or break apart from each other as a result of tension caused by prolonged energy build up. 

Earthquakes are also called temblors. 

Diagram of the earth crust
It is important to understand
the earth’s makeup to help understand earthquakes better.

In this diagram, you will notice that the inner and outer core of the earth (middle part) is liquid in nature, containing iron and nickel of extreme temperatures (5,500°C).

The Mantle is semi-molten rock, also called magma. The outer is the crust, which is the hard part of the earth that forms the surface. This outer crust includes the land on which we live, the oceans and ocean deeps and anything within 40km (approx) down the earth's surface.
Earthquakes are developed in the outer crust of the earth.

Time to do it!!

This earthquake experiment is simple and requires very few items to create. This can easily be done at home.

Materials needed:
  • metal cookie sheet
  • wooden blocks.
  1. First, have the students construct a tower on the cookie sheet using the wooden blocks.
  2.  Shake The metal sheet as if there were an earthquake. Not surprisingly, the tower crumbles with very little shaking and the blocks fell.
The metal cookie tray is meant to represent a tectonic plate and the shaking represents the shifting that happens with an earthquake.

 Yo can also make it differently:

 Materials needed:

  • metal cookie sheet
  • Soil 
  • Optional: you can place some toy trees,  toy houses or toy  cars on the soil


Once you have the materials placed as in the photo, shake the metal  sheet and cardboards as in an earthquake .

Answer the questions:

1.- Why do you think everything on the metal sheet or cardboard falls down?

2.- Why do you think the crust of the Earth moves all the time long?

3. Imagine we are at the school and there is an earthquake. 
What do we have to do? Where do we have to go? Investigate

Send me the pictures and videos (remember: not compulsory but desirable) of your evacuation plan (question number 3) to:

Deadline: June 5th 

Layers of the Earth

Now that we know something about how we Live on Earth .... lets get inside the Planet!!!!

Layers of the Earth

To better understand the different layers of the Earth , I recommend you to watch this video:

Answer these questions about the video:

1. How many layers can we find inside the Earth ?

2. What is the Crust? What can we find on the Crust of the Earth?

3. How thick is it?

4. What is the Mantle? What is it made of?

5. How thick is the Mantle in total?

6. In which layer can we find “lava”?

7. What is lava? What is it made of?

8. What is the Inner core? What is it made of?

Time to make the layers of the Earth!


1.- 6 pieces of paper: blue, green, yellow, orange, red and black.( You can colour the papers with your own crayons)

2. Paper fasteners (or a tack)

3. Black marker 

4. Scissors 

5. Geometric compass 

First, use the compass to draw circles on the coloured paper in different sizes

For the green paper cut out shapes that resemble to  continents on the Earth. It does not have to be perfect!!!! We are really learning about the Layers!!

Next, take the blue circle and cut out one fourth of it so you have three fourths of it left intact. Glue the green continents onto your blue paper.

Then, lay the black circle down, place the red circle on top of that , then the orange and then the yellow. Make sure they are centred 

 Next, use the black marker to write: inner core (yellow part), outer core (orange part), mantle (Red)and crust(black) On the opposite part of the circles write the miles or kilometres of thickness of each layer .

Then, take the a paper fastener or tack, and poke it into the centre of the circles. Secure the fastener or tack at the back of the black circle.


Now you have the Earth and its layers!!

Do not forget to send me your works (and activities) to :

Deadline: June1st 

Different relationships in an ecosystem

Hello students!!

I have seen your ecosystems and I love them!! They are great!! Well done.

This time we are going to work on different relationships because I have checked that this is a difficult item for you.

In order to understand what it really is a relationship,  I recommend to watch this video:

REMEMBER: a symbiosis is a close relationship between two different kinds of organisms .

In an ecosystem everything depends on each other.

For example: what would happen if we did not have plants? (We have talked  a lot about it in class )

We couldn’t survive because we didn’t have food or oxygen. Could herbivores survive? And if all herbivores die .... could carnivores survive?

So we have an important relationship with plants. And carnivores have an important relationship with hervidores, etc.....

Another example: imagine you live in a big house with a big garden. You decide to have a big dog to protect your home from other people.

You Both have an important relationship  because you feed the dog and the dog protects you. You both benefit.

So.... Every organism depends on each other to survive in an ecosystem.

Some relationships are beneficial and some of them are  harmful. And  this is what I want you to investigate.

According to the video you have 4 main different relationships: MUTUALISM, COMMENSALISM, PARASITISM AND COMPETITION

1.-I would like yo to make a drawing as the boy does in the video, giving an example of each relationship.

 2.- Try and find an example of these  relationships (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism and competition) in YOUR ECOSYSTEM

Once you finish, take some photos and send them to me.

If you feel like and this is not compulsory , send me a video explaining your work as the boy does in the video, but.... with your examples!!! This is an individual presentation from home!

Deadline: May 15th


Hi Students!!!

As the lockdown is going to take us a while..... we need to continue with..... ecosystems!!

I would really like to be with you in class to better understand the unit, but we do not have the possibility jet, so I recommend you this website: ecosystems (through  google) It is better if you try through google directly because if you click on the link here, it does not work.

Remember that: basically ,an ecosystem is the place where you can find everything you need to survive. It does not matter the size. It can be huge or very small.

 You  have all the information you need in the science book: pages 46-51

And also on the website shown before.

For  this project: you only have to do one  ecosystem ( terrestrial or aquatic) , you need to explain these different steps in your notebook, cardboard if possible, different pieces of paper together.... or if you want and this is not compulsory , you can also send me a video with your presentation by email:

 If you decide to do it in a paper, you need to write the information down, if you decide to do it  in a presentation, you do not need to write anything. "Just" explaining  with your own words and introducing your ecosystem to the camera.


1.- Definition of ecosystem (remember that I really like your words. I do not want you to copy, I want you to explain the concept) What is an ecosystem? Can we find different scales of ecosystems?

2.- One food chain

3.- Answer the question: Why are plants  the first step in a trophic level in all  ecosystems?

4.- What kind of beneficial and harmful relationships can we find in your ecosystem? ( one example at least)

These are some examples for your work/presentation:

If you have any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Deadline: 30th April

Get some ideas how to make a project for school. 3rd Grade ...

Ecosystem project - YouTube

Biome Project | Mrs. Smith's 5th Grade

Results for the investigation

Hi students!!!

Here I leave you the results of the investigation you have been doing for the last 10 days.

This investigation was held by an elementary school in the USA and became viral on Facebook and  other social media as long as different newspaper because of the results obtained.

 In our experiment we did not use hand sanitizer. But if you want to try again and do it, feel free and go ahead!!

Please send me the scientific method you have done to:
So I can check your results.

Remember!!!!!!  All the investigations are always correct if you follow the scientific method correctly!

White Bread Mold Experiment

Teaches the Importance of

Washing Hands

An elementary school teacher used an experiment with white bread to show how important is to wash your hands.

December 18, 2019
White Bread Mold Experiment Teaches the Importance of Washing Hands
Flu season is around the corner and Jaralee Metcalf, a behavioral specialist who works
with autistic students in elementary school wanted to teach the importance
of washing hands to stave off the influenza virus.

The experiment goes viral on social media 

Little did he know the science experiment he used to send the message would go viral. 
Using an experiment he found on the website of C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Metcalf took five slices of white bread and placed them in separate sandwich bags. One was placed in the bag untouched, while the second one was touched by children who didn't wash their hands. The third was touched by hands washed with soap and water and the fourth with hand sanitizer. The fifth piece of bread was rubbed over the students' Chrome books. ( computer keyboard)
The bags were labeled and prominently displayed on the wall. The students' job was to track how quickly mold show up on the bread. Metcalf posted his results on Facebook for the world to see.
The mold started forming right away with the Chromebook by far having the most mold. 
Results of the mold bread experiment
Chromebook mold results after 3-4 weeks
Dirty hands were only a little better than the Chromebooks
Hand Sanitizer fails to fight mold
Mold is much less when clean hands touch it
"As somebody who is sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Wash your hands! 
Remind your kids to wash their hands! And hand sanitizer is not an alternative to washing hands!! At all!."